March 6, EM27 starting to measure and March 6,7 and 10 were good weather
March 13, installation of the IR-Cube
March 14, running lamp spectra, tested in linefit14.
March 14-15, Pauli and Nicholas installed the tracker for the IR-Cube. System now ready to go.
March 16, measurements started with the IR-Cube
March 20, Collocation meeting held at Sodankylä TCCON site. Representatives from ESA and the groups participating in the campaign were present to review the start of the campaign.
Follow the news on twitter: and
Later in the afternoon radiosonde was launched to measure the atmospheric profiles by in-situ sensors of pressure, temperature and humidity.
Follow on and
March 30, measurements ongoing with the TCCON, EM27SUN and IR-Cube. Today was a very good day for measurements with clear sky conditions. Visit the twitter page to see some pictures . Balloon launch performed during the day.
April 7, The instrument of BIRA-IASB was sent by truck to Sodankylä.
Installation (By Christian and Francis) is scheduled just after Easter
Picture of the solar tracker at BIRA-IASB
April 8, Another perfect sunny day at Sodankylä. View the following link to get an impression of the site
April 22-29, Marko and Alex installed the RAL Space LHR and coupled it to the BIRA Sun tracker. First atmospheric measurements, with preliminary settings, performed in conjunction with an AirCore launch on Monday, 24th April; first full day of operational measurements in perfect conditions on Saturday, 29th April.
May 05, AirCore launch at the Sodankylä site. Picture of the launch can be seen following the twitter link
June 01, FRM4GHG project presented by Martine De Mazière at the Annual NDACC-IRWG / TCCON 2017 meeting in Paris.
June 22, End of the semi-blind intercomparison study today. Results presented and discussed at a joint WebEx meeting with ESA. All instruments are working fine at the Sodankylä campaign site.
July 6 - 8, Site visit by Christof Petri from University of Bremen. He worked on the instrumental alignment for the Vertex70. The alignment was successful and lead to a better instrumental lineshape for the Vertex70. View pictures from the visit here:
August 8, Project WebEx meeting organized by ESA. Recent results were shown and discussed. All instruments are working normally except LHR, it had some problem and was not operational for 3 weeks. The problem was solved remotely by RAL, so no site visit was necessary. The instrument will be online soon after few checks.
August 21, Visit the link to see a picture from an AirCore launch in spring performed during the campaign
August 22, Nicholas Deutscher presented the first results from the FRM4GHG campaign at the ICDC10 conference.
August 29, David Griffith presented the recent results from the FRM4GHG campaign at the GGMT-WMO meeting.
September 12, Project WebEx meeting organized by ESA. Recent intercomparison results were shown and discussed. All instruments are working normally.
Octorber 13, Last date of measurements for low resolution spectrometers. Instruments will be packed and some of them shipped back to the home institutes.
October 24, Project WebEx meeting organized by ESA. Recent intercomparison results were shown and discussed.
November 19, Final AirCore data submitted to the project. Next step will be to use this dataset and perform the analysis of the remotesensing data for the 10 days.
December 4, Project WebEx meeting organized by ESA. Recent intercomparison results were shown and discussed. Furthermore ESA discussed with all the partners about the extension of the project. We also discussed about the creation of the DOI for the raw dataset and the level2 dataset and results.
February 5, 2018: Project results presented by Justus Notholt at the Second S5PVT Meeting And First Results Workshop organized in ESA/ESTEC Noordwijk 5-6 Feb 2018.
View the poster on twitter:
March 12, 2018: Measurements with Vertex restarted with the InGaAS detector.
Thanks to Pauli for his help
April 28, 2018: Neil Macleod and Damien Weidmann are on site for the upgraded LHR installation. The LHR was installed today successfully. CO2/H2O and CH4/N2O channels are operating almost as expected depite most of the G sensors turned red on the flight cases... An oddity though, one laser gives more optical power after the shipment!
May 1, 2018: Good episodes of blue sky today. Upgraded LHR has delivered its very first CH4 spectra. Thank you Christian for the debugging session on the tracker.
June 11, 2018: FRM4GHG project presented by Martine De Mazière at the Annual NDACC-IRWG / TCCON 2018 meeting in Mexico:
September 7, 2018: Newly installed protection for the solar tracker of the EM27/SUN.
Find the picture following this link:
September 10, 2018: Follow the tweet tweet to find the picture of the campaign site in summer with the shelter of the EM27/SUN being installed last week.
September 17, 2018: Vertex70 now equipped with a filter to measure CO in the MIR spectral range using the InSb detector.
September 26-27, 2018: Meeting organized at ESA ESRIN to discuss the results of the FRM4GHG project and the way forward.
November 9, 2018: LHR shutdown due to low solar elevation angle. LHR collected data on 50 days (CO2) and 30 days (CH4) over the period May to October 2018. Spectra collected at 30 second intervals for a total of 7500 acquisitions (CO2) and 6500 acqusitions (CH4) which pass first stage of quality control.
March 11, 2019: Start of measurements on 1st March 2019, instruments operational are Bruker IFS 125HR, EM27/SUN, Vertex70 and RAL-LHR. The EM27/SUN is operated on the roof of the container with the cover and automatic system for the measurements. Find the picture following this link:
April 8, 2019: Oral presentation by Martine De Mazière at EGU 2019 in AS3.11 (abstract id EGU2019-15760). Find the tweet following this link:
May 13-17, 2019: Poster presentation by Martine De Mazière at the "2019 Living Planet Symposium", MiCo - Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy.
May 20-24, 2019: Oral presentation by Mahesh Kumar Sha at the Annual Joint NDACC-IRWG & TCCON meeting 2019 in Wanaka, New Zealand.
June 3-5, 2019: Oral presentation by Mahesh Kumar Sha at the IWGGMS, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
October 20, 2019: First snowfall of the winter of 2019/2020, see photos in Pictures collection - Thanks to Rigel for sending the picture.
November 11-14, 2019: Very nice results using data from the FRM4GHG campaign have been shown by Qiansi Tu and Mahesh Kumar Sha at the Copernicus Sentinel-5 Precursor validation team workshop at ESA-ESRIN, Frascati (Rome), Italy.